
Educational approaches + Proactive strategies = Impactful Change

edproactive is Our suite of coaching, learning, and training programs and services designed With a comprehensive focus on effective educational approaches and mindful proactive strategies to strategically impact change.

We empower professionals from early-career to established leaders to expand their professional knowledge, perspectives, and skills through personalized 1:1 and small group coaching and mentoring.


coaching + edProactive

Are you an school instructional leader trying to figure out how to proactively coach your entire team? Check out our FREE Response-to-Coaching Intervention tool for tips!

Download our free Response-to-Coaching Intervention tool now!

We craft tailored curriculum and instructional resources for learners of all professional backgrounds and ages, with a focus on curriculum development, learning strategies, and a suite of supporting tools.


Learning + edProactive

Are you an educator looking to save time and proactively plan? Try using our FREE AI tools to engage with chatbot technology that can help you efficiently and creatively plan effective lessons for your students!

We facilitate dynamic and interactive professional learning experiences, offering both in-person and virtual professional development opportunities.


Training + edProactive

Are you a leader looking to proactively implement an effective professional development plan for your team? Let’s connect to explore how our PD programs align with your goals!

  • Unlock the power of AI to personalize lessons, streamline planning, and elevate student success in literacy and numeracy with our cutting-edge education consulting services. Learn More

  • Supplemental professional learning program designed to enhance the effectiveness of both traditional and alternative teaching pathways through an elaborative approach to the art and science of teaching.

  • Discover essential strategies, skills, and insights to lead with foresight, adaptability, and a proactive mindset. Elevate your leadership capabilities and drive positive change in your organization.

IS Your company looking for product trainers? are you seeking general coaching or consulting support?

Let's discuss how our team can support you!